
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

One Year On

I just realised, I have been blogging for a whole year, since 30 Jan 06,
I started blogging hoping it would kick start my creativity,

It has done that and much more, by blogging about a project it spurred me on to finish things that may have been cast aside, but the best thing about blogging, has to be the wonderful people I have 'met' online,

I feel as if I have made so many friends, its great to talk to people who actually get what we do,

I do have wonderful real life friends, but blog world has added so much more,
so thanks to all of you out there, those of you who's blogs I enjoy reading and those who add comments, much appreciated.


Terri Stegmiller said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! I feel the same way about my blog.

Unknown said...

Thank you Kay Susan

Doreen G said...

Congratulations and may there be many more anniversaries.
I have only been a blogger for 1 month and I must agree with you about the friends we make on Blogland.

Sarah said...

Wow - a whole year! It's a pleasure sharing with you!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Exactly my experience and sentiments too! Keep it up...

Digitalgran said...

Happy Blogiversary Carol. Mags

Carol said...

Happy blogiversary Carol! I love reading your blog and seeing your wonderful work - you are very inspiring.

Dianne said...

Happy blog birthday!!! It's lovely to visit you in cyerspace.

Sue Krekorian said...

Happy Blogiversary to you, Carol. Blogger's given you a present - it's one of the few blogs it's letting me access and comment on this morning!

Tonniece said...

Happy Anniversary Carol.

Dianne said...

Well Happy blogiversary and I love the new pic.. You have been going like crasy and doing some fantastic work..