I machine stitched the signatures to craft vilene, I used a thick linen thread, which my machine did not like at all. I then stitched the rug spine to the same craft vilene.
Not how Traci B does hers, but I haven't received my DVD yet and was too impatient to wait.

I love how the spine has turned out with the metallic colours next time I shall do lots more signatures and a wider spine, but I wanted to get one made to have the process in my head

I love the colours you have chosen. I really like the spine. i may have to have a go soon!
That has worked out really well. Love the colours too.
That spine looks really good. Like you say you have to make the first one to get the idea in your head, the second one is always easier.
I hand sewed my signatures in, took me an age to do - doh!
I love that spine. Yummy colours.
I'm waiting for the DVD too Carol! I've read the book from cover to cover and am waiting for my 2 weeks off at the end June/beg of July to play!! Need to get some rug canvas as well
I love the spine and the colors as well. Is there a tutorial for these somewhere? I love the Orangey Missy Purple showed on her blog earlier this month.
Awesome Carol. I have got to make myself one of these funky spined books.
Looks good Carol-I have the book but I must get my hands on the DVD
This looks great Carol. The spine looks wonderful - great selection of fabric colours.
Simply wonderful. How did you do the spine is it like rag rugging, I love it.
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