Here is a close up of the next layer of the painted lace, I over painted with maroon fabric paint and a dark green acrylic, once it was dry, I tried spritzing it with some Moonglow spray. it doesn't show up on screen but there is a lovely glimmer to the raised areas.
I found the white background was still showing through as the silk paint disperses unevenly on the heavier Lutradur, a nice effect, but not what I was after for this work, and so yesterday before I went out, I turned it, and put a wash of burnt umber acrylic over the back, hoping it would not saturate through and make mud.
It was good job I was going out as I would have been poking and prodding at it all day.
I liked the effect it created, below is a really bad picture of the full length,the close up shows the colours and texture just as they are.
I have now dry brushed a layer of copper paint, and just waiting for it to dry.
and for SueB, Francoise, Lynda and Carol, sorry for obliterating the colour you liked so much, they are the colours I used for Sara's page,I will be using them again I think.

Looks very cool Carol! and I forgive you for obliterating my favorite colors :)
It does look very pretty. I wish I could watch you work in person. I'm like you, I fiddle with things while waiting for them to dry.
I am liking this piece!
The colors are fabulous and I like the look.
It is beautiful Carol!! I like the texture, the colours, actually I like everything!!!!!
I love it Carol the texture and colours are perfect.
It looks fantastic!! I can just imagine how much better it would look for real!
That close up is brilliant. Those two colours go so well together. Where do you get all your bits of lace from? I can't seem to find the same sort of stuff as you use.
I do love this piece Carol. So very pretty.
Hugs, Alis
I wont tell you I like the colour as knowing you it has had another coat of "something or other" by now :-) but it is wonderful
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