
Wednesday, October 04, 2006


We went to a naval yard,while on a tour round the city of Boston, there was second world war battleship and a 19th century ship called Ironsides, DH was taking pictures of the rigging and all the wonderful bits and pieces, but what caught my eye was the wondeful textures on things lying around, a huge slab of wood, a table covered in many layers of spilt paint, the painted concrete cracked in the heat, and best of all a wonderful pile of rusted wrought iron. Posted by Picasa


feltedfibers said...

this is all yummy stuff with plenty of inspiration, wonderful photos - much better than riggings etc :-)

Liz Plummer said...

These are gorgeous, Carol. It's brilliant having something else to look for when DHes are looking at something that you don't find particularly interesting, isn't it? (Or even if you do!).

Dianne said...

Hey Carol
I love the rod iron too and the wood.. Nice pics The painted concrete is cool who would have guess that was what is was..

margaret said...

Yummy collage! As for the buildings with reflections, keep an eye out for paintings by Brendan Neiland - he's been doing architecture and reflections (on water) for a while and is now into buildings reflected in other buildings.

FiberPhyl aka Artsygrammy said...

Wonderful textures....I have to look closer at things around me.
There is texture and beauty everywhere.
Thanks again,